Tuesday 8 December 2015

Thriller - Other Task Research

Torn - A Grade:

I chose to evaluate Torn as it got an A grade. This means we can watch and analyse it and hopefully take things from it which make my group and myselfs work better.

Torn has a filter covering the entire film which builds the tension and makes the film more suspense filled and it continuously has flashing images to build tension and scare the audience. The film only contains one character thoughout the whole film and also it was filmed at his house which again makes it very easy to reshoot scenes that aren't up to standard. Also the costume there character is wearing is so casual that it shows the difference between how normal he seems on the outside to how sinister and psychotic he really is. The film had a lot of different shots which keeps the film entertaining and interesting. My group and I are going to try and take all the positives from this film and attempt to adapt it to our own, as this work is an excellent piece and I work would be improved if we aspired to have our film to be as good as Torn.
Ring Of Trees - E Grade:

I chose to evaluate Ring Of Trees as it shows the contrast between the difference between Torn (an A grade) and this film which only got an E. My group and I can evaluate exactly what is wrong with this film and attempt to avoid the same mistakes they did.

With the Ring Of Trees there were clearly a lot more mistakes and less professional than Torn. They placed their titles on a black background which is typically unseen and quite unprofessional compared the typical thriller in which the titles are placed infront of the opening scene, we will avoid doing this is attempt to avoid loosing marks. Their choice of lighting is very poor amongst some scene and it is very clear that they are amateur.

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