Wednesday 9 December 2015

Thriller - Location Recce Shots

We chose this location as it is very private, dark and mysterious. Our storyline fit the location perfectly because we believe a dark, secluded path fits the storyline tremendously.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Thriller - Actors

The only two actors involved in our film are myself and Kai. We will both be filming certain parts of the film but also we will each be acting as well.

The 'dead body' (Myself):                                                                        

The protagonist (Kai):

Thriller - Other Task Research

Torn - A Grade:

I chose to evaluate Torn as it got an A grade. This means we can watch and analyse it and hopefully take things from it which make my group and myselfs work better.

Torn has a filter covering the entire film which builds the tension and makes the film more suspense filled and it continuously has flashing images to build tension and scare the audience. The film only contains one character thoughout the whole film and also it was filmed at his house which again makes it very easy to reshoot scenes that aren't up to standard. Also the costume there character is wearing is so casual that it shows the difference between how normal he seems on the outside to how sinister and psychotic he really is. The film had a lot of different shots which keeps the film entertaining and interesting. My group and I are going to try and take all the positives from this film and attempt to adapt it to our own, as this work is an excellent piece and I work would be improved if we aspired to have our film to be as good as Torn.
Ring Of Trees - E Grade:

I chose to evaluate Ring Of Trees as it shows the contrast between the difference between Torn (an A grade) and this film which only got an E. My group and I can evaluate exactly what is wrong with this film and attempt to avoid the same mistakes they did.

With the Ring Of Trees there were clearly a lot more mistakes and less professional than Torn. They placed their titles on a black background which is typically unseen and quite unprofessional compared the typical thriller in which the titles are placed infront of the opening scene, we will avoid doing this is attempt to avoid loosing marks. Their choice of lighting is very poor amongst some scene and it is very clear that they are amateur.

Thriller - Risk Assessment

My group and I have chosen suitable a area to avoid hazards and interuptions with a minimal amount of people as our chosen location is very isolated to the point where we may not be interupted but not so isolated we are dangerously far away from civilisation.

We are filming outdoors so there wont be many objects that may be of threat to us. The largest threat to my group and myself will be tripping over anything lying on the floor or slipping over on the mud or the glass if it start raining during filming or just before hand.

Thriller - Costumes

My group and I decided that for a thriller our characters would need dark clothes to go with the mysterious, dark theme associated with thrillers. An ideal costume for both the dead body and the antagonist who discovers the dead body would be completely black clothing, for example:
This is ideal as thrillers need to be mysterious and dark to create suspense and tension and if our characters were wearing bright fluorescent clothing it would not be suitable for our film what so ever.

Thriller - Filming Schedule

My group and I plan on recording the whole of our short film after college on Wednesday 9th December as this data suits both of our schedules and we will be given the rest of the day from 12pm to until it gets to dark to film.

Monday 7 December 2015

Thriller - Locations

Location 1: Norfolk Road Recreation Ground or Manor Farm

Location 2: Top of Toton Hill
My group and myself chose Location 2. We chose this location as it was more convenient for us as it is very close to our 6th form. But also because of how private and dark it is, we believed that we could get more out of this location rather than Location 1.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Thriller - Storyboard

My group and I created a storyboard that shows an accurate plan of the filming we intend to do. Our storyboard:


Thriller - Questionaire

My group and I created a questionaire which we think is thor enough and given us enough information regarding our project and any improvements we could make to our planning and the storyline we have came up with. Our quesionaire results:


This questionaire that myself and kai conducted shows us that a lot of people like films linked with thriller, also it tells us that our story is quite good but we should add a little more to the storyline as what we wrote seems very stale and people believe that more needs to be added to the story to engage people into it more.