Monday, 16 November 2015

Preliminary Planning

Preliminary Task:
The task is to create a short film aprroximatwely 30 seconds long that includes atleast two characters, dialgou between the characters and also an action match. This will be done in groups of 3-4.

Protagonist: David Thomas
Antagonist: Chris King
Henchman: Stephanie Hanna
Cameraman: Irenam Mileva

David: Give me my cat back!
Chris: You'll never get it!
David: I'll kill you!
Chris: I don't believe you
*David shoots Stephanie*
*Chris throws cat*
*David falls back and shoots Chris*   



The story board showcases our initial ideas on what to base our short film on. Having the story board helped us to keep on track with all the shots and certain dialogue as we could base the final filming on the story board. The frames also showed the four aspects of media. For example it showed an example of the shot reverse shot with the frame being split into two equal sides to ensure a straight forward, understandable plan for the film.

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